What is Spirituality?

What is spirituality?

This is a big old question for one blog post.

Spirituality is a way of life.  It’s a world view perceived through self-defined guiding principles and values.  There’s a yearning to know the meaning of life, a desire to expand our awareness, to transform our inner demons and develop a deeper connection with our spiritual self.    

What is spirituality? How can we define it? Let’s start off by acknowledging the main difference between spirituality and religion because they are not the same thing yet very often confused.

Religion, in general, is a set of organised beliefs and practices usually shared by a group or community.  The outcome being that everyone within the community has a similar experience in relation to those beliefs and practices.

Spirituality on the other hand is an individual practice and experience.  There are no boundaries or guidelines to follow, there is a freedom in being able to explore different practices through your own eyes and experience to find something that works for you in connecting you to your higher self.

Universal Themes of Spirituality

Ok. So as we’ve established there are no set rules or rituals for spirituality, its your exploration to discover what makes you feel alive and aligned. There are, however, common themes that occur on the spiritual path, perhaps you can relate…


A Sense of Purpose

You are searching for meaning and direction in your life.  You may find that this search for purpose is driven by an underlying sense of dissatisfaction with where you are at.  Maybe you feel limited or empty and are seeking for something more.  Exploring a sense of purpose can give you more grounding and stability. 


Love & Compassion 

You have an innate need to give and receive unconditional love.  To make connections with your family and friends and communities you are part of.  Giving love and compassion for all living things in the universe makes you feel part of something bigger.  This sense of love and compassion gives you a sense of acceptance and belonging. 


Expansion & Growth

There is an innate drive for you to grow and expand.  You want to develop your mind, cultivate your values, and awaken your consciousness. You are ready to push the boundaries and have the desire to reach your full potential.   You need a life that feels aligned with your values. 


Seeking Truth

You have this feeling that there is something out there greater than you.  An energy and force at play.  You may ask yourself questions like “Who am I?”, “Why am I here?”, “What else is out there?”… these are questions that perhaps only you can answer but there is a drive to understand yourself and to explore how life works.  


Finding Peace within Your Heart

You are looking for peace because you are suffering. Suffering is often the initial door to spirituality, it can be anything from grief, anxiety, anger or fear and everything in between.  The biggest contribution to our suffering is external factors, factors which we cannot control.  Spiritual practices can help us to find balance and let go of the things that we cannot control.  We stop looking for external things to bring us happiness because we recognise it is only short lived.  True peace is within your own heart. 


Mystery & the Great Unknown

These are the remarkable coincidences, spontaneous healings, and unexplainable life experiences you have encountered that science cannot explain.  The way life unfolds appears to be a great mystery. Single events show up in your life as utter chaos then later reveal themselves as a well-choreographed dance.  It’s the beauty of time and hindsight that give these experiences their meaning and value.  Explore the sacred and chose to live with a sense of wonder. 


Serve Humble Pie

You know how good it feels when you have done something to help someone in need, a friend or family member.  You experience genuine contentment. This is your desire to serve and uplift others.  Serving is your ability to make a difference in the lives of others.  


Transformation – Beam Me Up!

This is the gold at the end of the rainbow and it’s driven by your urge to experience ultimate peace and freedom.  You notice radical shifts in your choices, responses, and your way of being.  Your perceptions shift and you experience the world in a whole new way. 


Are You a Spiritual Seeker?

Developing your own spiritual practice takes time.  It’s a personal journey towards wholeness, a journey that ebbs and flows and one that is never accomplished. 

Notice the times in your life when you “come alive”.  Those are the moments that you are spiritual.  

Spirituality is not a separate function of our being, spirituality is woven in the very essence of our being.  The practice of becoming awake and aware to our experience is what strengthens our spirituality. 


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