Quitting Alcohol and Discovering the Wim Hof Method

Without question, quitting alcohol was the single best I have done in my life.

Stopping drinking gave me my self-esteem and a great sense of self-worth. It opened so many doors, not least the door to better wellness.

I’ve been on a relentless quest to learn the best practices to support my mind and body for the last eight years but I was always looking for that high. The thing to give me that buzz.

That was, until I discovered the Wim Hof Method.   The breathing practice on an emotional and energetic level gives me the feeling of perfect aliveness.  It gives me an indescribable sense of liberation and an elevated sense of peace.

In the moments when, I’m lying on my mat there feeling weightless, experiencing a heightened sense of presence just through my breath, I am constantly and utterly amazed at the power of this simple practice.

I feel completely connected to myself. It is magical.

It is even more powerful when I practice with others; the deepest sense of connection. 

Group breathwork opens hearts and fosters vulnerability, it is the experience of human connection in a pure and simple form.


Let’s look at 5 keys reasons you will want to start a breath-work practice.

  • Boost Immune function & Reduce Inflammation

Practicing Wim Hof Method breathing allows you to Influence the systems In your body and reduce Inflammation while also training your body to normalise stress hormones more easily.


  • Eliminate Toxins

Deep breathing through the diaphragm massages the heart, organs and supports the lymphatic system to eliminate toxins.


  • Lower Anxiety and Increased Mental Well-being

Though deep breathing you are influencing a state of peace within your body helping you to connect more deeply to your feelings and subconscious thoughts. This has a direct effect to halting worry and spiralling thoughts.


  • Mange Physical Pain

Studies of the Wim Hof Breathing method have shown that you are able to Influence a part of your brain that detects pain.  This Is particularly beneficial to help those who suffer from chronic disease or Illness better manage pain.


  • Optimise your Breathing Sytem

Your respiratory system takes In oxygen and distributes It around the body, to the brain, organs and tissues. By breathing deeply you exercise and enhance your lung capacity ensuring better health since studies show that lung capacity Is linked to longevity.


In a Nutshell Oxygen is Life

From a yoga perspective, breathing practice or pranayama Is life force energy. what Is life force?

Let me put It like this… We can survive three weeks without food, three days without water and only three minutes without oxygen.  


Yet 70% of us are chronic over-breathers, putting our bodies under a constant state of unnecessary stress which can lead to chronic inflammation.

Many of us are chronically operating In the fight-or-flight response which can show up In our day-to-day life as a headache, joint pain, skin conditions and fatigue to name a few.


Practicing Wim Hof Method breathing allows us to practice breath-work as an exercise to positively adapt to stress and regulate our body systems and support our body to operate optimally.


👉 If this has you curious (I mean how couldn’t it?) then I can teach you everything you need to know about gettting started with a powerful practice in my Wim Hof Method Fundamentals workshop for maximum health benefits.

👉 Join my newsletter or send me a message with the word “ME” and let’s rise together!


All the love, all the power.

Denny Xo

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The Benefits of the Wim Hof Method


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