Super Simple Morning Yoga Practice

Make your morning a miracle every day!

Yoga. It’s a Way of Life.

Yoga is more than just stretching.  It’s a philosophy, a way of life.  It’s a union between the mind, body and soul.  I find many students come to my classes looking for something.  

A deeper understanding of themselves, a deeper understanding of their purpose, of the world.  Looking to connect on a more soulful level with other, looking to heal themselves, their body, their mind, their soul.  It all begins with one yoga practice.

Sometimes taking that first step in to a new world can be tough.  All the fears of being seen, judged, of not feeling good enough.  

Well let me tell you you are worth the effort and so much more.  And to ease some of that discomfort, I am sharing with you a very simple yoga practice you can do each day just for ten or fifteen minutes, that’s all it takes to begin your journey. 


“Small consistent practices make powerful impacts.”

Let’s Begin…

Sit comfortably.

Crossed legged, kneeling or legs out in front.

Close your eyes and allow your breath to be easy and natural.

Allow your body to relax and mind to slowly soften to stillness


Equal breathing 

Inhale to the count of four.

Exhale to the count of four.

Repeat around ten times or until you feel relaxed, then do two additional breaths.


Seated Neck Stretch

Left ear to right shoulder. Right ear to left shoulder.

Back to centre.

Point your chin to the sky. Tuck your chin to your chest.  

Hold each for 2-3 breaths


Shoulder Circles

Circle the shoulders in one direction five times.

And then in the opposite direction five times.


Seated Side Angle

Left fingertips to touch the floor.

Extend the right arm straight up and reach over the right side. 

Reach through your fingertips. 

Hold for 3 nice breaths. 

Soften your face. Do not strain. 

Repeat on the left side.


Seated Twist 

Begin with straight legs out in front.

Bend your right knee so your foot is flat on the floor. 

Hug the right knee with your left arm.

Place right fingertips on floor behind you.

Turn your bellybutton to the right side of the room, allow you gaze to gently follow.

Take three nice breaths.



Repeat for the opposite side. 


Bend left knee this time and hug with the right arm.

Place left fingertips on floor behind you.

Turn your belly button to face the left side of the room, allow your gaze to gently follow. 

Take three nice breaths.


Seated Forward Fold

Sit on your bottom with your legs straight out in front.

You can keep your knees a little bent if this is more comfortable.

Inhale lift your arms up high.

Exhale send your heart forward to a soft fold.

You may use a strap or tie around your feet if this helps.

Take three nice breaths.


TIP! You may not be able to fold deeply and that’s ok. The most important thing is to keep you back nice and stable, not rounding in the lower back.


Table-top and Cat-Cow

Come to all fours, this is table top position.

Wrists under shoulders and knees under hips.

Fingers are spread wide.

Spine is neutral with belly softly lifted up.

Inhale, drop your belly, arch your back and lift your heart and head.

Exhale, press ground away and round your back, tucking your chin and tail bone.

Inhale, arch, look up. Exhale, round, tuck chin and tail.

Repeat five times. 

Come back to a neutral back position when you are complete.

TIP! The movement always starts from your tailbone.  Please move slowly to feel every vertebra in your back moving.


Down Dog

From table top, inhale, lower your hips back towards your heels.

Exhale, lift your hips high to downward facing dog. 

Gazing straight down towards the floor. 

Five nice slow breaths here.


TIP! spread your fingers press fingertips and base of fingers firmly in to the earth.  This will give you more stability and release pressure from your wrists.


Low Lunge

From downward dog…

Step your right foot forward.

Knee and ankle at right angles.

Lower your left knee to the ground and flatten your foot.

Inhale, arms lift.  

Use hands to knees for support if you need.

Three nice breaths.


Lower hands to ground either side of your foot.

Step back to downward facing dog.


Repeat on the other side. 


Step your left foot forward. 

Knee and ankle at right angles.

Lower your right knee to the ground and flatten your back foot.

Inhale, arms lift.  

Use hands to knees for support if you need.

Three nice breaths.


Step back to downward facing dog.

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Childs Pose

From downward dog lower both knees to the ground.

Rest your forehead to the ground.

Wrap your arms around your legs.

Sink and soften your body.

Take five nice breaths.

TIP! If your forehead doesn’t comfortably reach the ground you can rest it on folded forearms.


Repeat the words:

“I am safe. I am strong. I am loved.

“I am safe. I am strong. I am loved.

“I am safe. I am strong. I am loved.”


Rise to a comfortable seated or kneeling position.

Reach for an essential oil, I love Balance or Elevation to start my day.

Take one drop in the palm of each hand, rub your palms together and deeply inhale three times.


Bring your hands to anjali mudra (prayer pose).

Bow your head to your hands to close your practice. 

This is a nice moment to dedicate your practice.  

You can practice gratitude in this moment and it’s a nice time thank all our teachers, past present and future for sharing the wisdom of yoga for the benefit of all.

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