Exploring the Path to Inner Peace Through Meditation
It's a common thread these days – meditation. You might have tried it in a yoga class or dabbled with an app, but have you ever wondered about the sustainability and consistency of your practice? Are you reaping the true benefits? Let's dive into the world of meditation and my personal experiences.
The World of Meditation Practices: A Guide
According to Jillian Lavender, in her enlightening book "Why Meditate Because It Works," meditation practices can be categorised into three main groups:
1. Concentration or Focused Attention:
In this practice, you fix your attention on something, like your breath or a flickering candle. It's akin to maintaining a state of silence. I discovered this practice during my yoga teacher training, and I've found it to be a flexible tool I can carry with me throughout the day. For instance, I turn to my breath for a few moments at the top of each hour, especially during hectic workdays. It's also a gentle lullaby that helps me drift into peaceful sleep. While it's a valuable tool, it's not the sole foundation of my meditation practice.
2. Open Monitoring (Mindfulness):
Open monitoring, often associated with mindfulness, encourages us to become aware of our feelings and thoughts as they surface. The goal is to maintain a neutral and calm disposition in response to these thoughts. I've found this practice incredibly useful for understanding and embracing my thoughts and emotions. It's like a mirror reflecting our inner landscape. When I work with coaching clients, this practice helps build self-awareness and supports transformation through the coaching process.
3. Automatic Self-Transcending:
This practice involves the use of a mantra, given by a qualified teacher. The mantra acts as a guide, leading the mind to quieter realms of thinking. As you follow the mantra, your mind naturally transitions to more peaceful and refined states of thought until the mantra gently fades, and your mind finds tranquillity. The result? You feel alert, even in the midst of a serene mind. This practice forms the bedrock of my daily meditation, guiding me through life with greater ease. It enhances my communication skills and acts as my stress-buster.
I hope this post serves as a guiding light on your path to inner peace and self-discovery. With meditation practices ranging from focused attention to mindfulness and self-transcending, there are wonderful tools to create a more serene and transformative life. Join me on this journey towards a brighter and more peaceful tomorrow.
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