How I use essential oils for a productive day.

What are essential oils?

Essential oils are highly concentrated versions of the powerful natural oils found in plants.  They are the essence of the plant, a gift from the earth, distilled and prepared for us to bring the power of nature into our lives. 


Inside the plants are highly potent chemical compounds, these natural compounds are essential oils.  Essential oils give the plant its scent with the purpose to protect it in its natural environment and so we can harness this natural power to support our own health and healing. 


The oil can be extracted from different parts of the plant – flowers, petals, leaves, roots, seeds and skins – depending on where is oil compound is stored. 


Why do I use essential oils?

I use doTERRA essential oils because they give me choice.  They allow me to choose something natural as my first choice.   The give me emotional support when I feel anxious or low and they give me physical support when back pain flares up or I’m having a hormonal breakout.


doTERRA essential oils empower me to make informed choices about my health, they allow me to educate myself about plants and the healing process of my body.  Above all essential oils give me faith in our human body and its ability to heal itself given the right environment.

Let’s dive in….



  • Natural caffeine boost

  • Great for headaches

  • Supports digestion 

  • Soothes sore muscles.  Cue achy shoulders!


Desk Diffuser Blend 

  •  3 drops peppermint 

  • 3 drops wild orange


Denny’s Tips

It’s my wake-up oil!  I keep it beside my alarm.  As soon as the AM tune sounds, I roll out of bed and the first thing I do I pop a drop of peppermint in to my hands and deeply inhale. Voila, refreshed already! 

I also use peppermint throughout the day.  First thing when I get to my desk.

One drop of doTERRA peppermint is equivalent to 28 cups of peppermint tea! 28 cups!!! Can you even imagine that?

It packs a powerful punch so any more than a drop is a waste.


Wild Orange


  • Uplifting

  • Inspires abundance

  • Feelings of joy and playfulness

  • Helps when you are overworked

  • Supports “letting go” when you are feeling rigid


Denny’s Tips

I love wild orange in my desk diffuser, see under peppermint. I personally have a tendency to feel rigid or overwork when I’m at my desk so wild orange helps to loosen my mindset, so I don’t become overly fixated. It keeps my mind light.




  • Best used for relentless stress and tension

  • Mental health blend

  • Improves sustained attention

  • Calming and relaxing

  • Soothes anxious feelings

  • Blended with – wild orange, neroli, lavender, magnolia, spearmint, sweetgum, copaiba and rosemary


Denny’s Tips

This is a carry everywhere oil for me.  There is something about it that uplifts and energises me but also makes me feel calm and safe.  I regularly inhale Adaptiv from my hands throughout the day and pop it in my handbag when I’m away from my desk.  It’s my holy grail of oils.  


Balance Blend


  • Grounding blend

  • Harmonises your mind

  • Use when your head is in the clouds

  • Scent is sweet and woody

  • Blened with – Ho wood, spruce, frankincense, blue tansy, blue chamomile


Denny’s Tips

When my head is in the clouds and my thoughts are scattered and I just cant seem to land my feet I reach for Balance.  I like to think of this as my “forest-in-a-bottle.”  You know that safe feeling you get around trees, that steady, strong tranquillity that nothing is too much.   Balance really helps me to put things in to perspective.  Put 1-2 drops on your feet at the start of the day to promote a sense of tranquility throughout your day. 


Deep Blue


  • Soothing blend (topical only)

  • For achy muscles and joint pain

  • Soothing and cooling

  • Lessens tension

  • Blended with – wintergreen, peppermint, camphor, ylang ylang, helichrysum, blue tansy, blue chamomile, Osmanthus


Denny’s Tips

I suffer from chronic back pain, which is one of the reasons I practice yoga and use essential oils.  I also tend to get achy shoulders when I’m spent a day at my desk.  I keep deep blue handy at my desk to rub on my shoulders around lunch time.  

It’s amazing for easing tension in my neck and shoulders throughout the day which can often cause tension headaches too.  It you are a bit of a gym bunny you may love deep blue rub which comes in a cream form so you can rub on tired muscles after a work out!

 “There’s a reason they’re called “essential”…”

Need some oils?

If you relate to this post or have another issue you would like to chat about, please drop me an email as I would love to help you. I truly believe there is an oil to support almost any emotional or physical need so let me help find the right oils for you. 


If you are completely new to the oils, please also reach out and I can provide you with an oil sample.  I am completely self-taught and I’m still learning.  The beautiful thing about doTERRA essential oils is it’s a journey of self-empowerment and self-discovery and I can support you in that journey.

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Disclaimer: Always consult your own GP if you’re in any way concerned about your health. You should always promptly consult a doctor all matters relating to physical or mental health, particularly concerning any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.


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